Follow these steps to reset a password:

1.   On the Sign In page, click Forgot Password?

2.   Enter in your Email Address and click Send Verification Email

3.  Check your email for the 6 digit code to reset your password with (The email will say "Please use the following verification code to verify your account: XXXXXX")

    NOTE: Check your Junk folder(s) in case the email has been sent there rather than to your Inbox

4.  In SPOC, enter the 6-digit Verification Code and enter in a New Password. Note that passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum password length is 8 characters
  • Requires a number
  • Requires a special character
  • Requires uppercase letters
  • Requires lowercase letters

Click Reset Password

5.  Back on the Sign In page, enter in your Email Address and Password (the one you just created). Click Sign In